donderdag 18 december 2008

ISIM to be closed as per 1 January 2009

The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) will be closed as per 1 January 2009, due to the lack of adequate funding. ISIM was set up ten years ago by the universities of Leiden, Amsterdam, Utrecht and Nijmegen, and the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The objective of the institute has been to carry out innovative research into the social, political, cultural and intellectual trends and movements in present-day Muslim communities and societies worldwide.

As testified by the February 2008 international peer-review committee that was appointed at the request of the Dutch Ministry of Education, ISIM has been an excellently performing, internationally leading institute in its field. It has been pioneering in interdisciplinary research of contemporary Muslim communities and societies, and in combining scholarship and societal cooperation.

See the press release of the Leiden University in this regard

It is indeed a great loss to an objective studies of Islam and Muslim societies that the ISIM conducted in the last decade. Its significance multiplied considering the debate about Islam and Muslims in the Netherlands and Europe in last years.
See also an article from Dutch press:

zondag 26 oktober 2008

In the beginning ...

A new blogger with the title 'lived Islam'.

Through it I will time to time communicate with others about 'lived Islam'... thus less about all kinds of '...ism' with Islam as thier title but how Muslims actually live it in their everyday life.

These are the days when the appointment of a Moroccan as the mayer of Rotterdam city led to calls of 'Islamization of the The Netherlands' and suspected 'Muslim roots' of American presidentail candidate Obama were again focus of media. How far the descendents of the Muslim migrants in the West can claim in broader public space?

For the moment the blog is under construction yet...